

JDoodle is an online integrated development environment (IDE) with programming tools for developers, teaching and learning, and executing user-generated code in your platform.

IDECode in 88+ languages without prior setup. It features collaborative coding, external libraries, and multi-file project support.
APIExecute user-generated code securely on your platform with JDoodle compiler API.
Embeds/IDE pluginsEmbed an IDE for users to write and execute code in your platform, LMS, technical blog, or software documentation.
AssessmentsWrite programming quizzes and assessments with automated grading.
JDroidCreate, improve and debug your code with JDroid directly in the IDE or in Chat JDroid.
Browser extensionRun code snippets directly in your browser with two clicks.
Mobile appEdit your projects and run code from your mobile device.

Access JDoodle features in the top right menu

After logging in, access JDoodle features by clicking on your profile picture or initial in the top right menu.

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Change your account settings in your Profile, including your name, occupation, email address and password.

This is also where you can delete your account.


Access all JDoodle products from your dashboard. If you are a student or teacher invited to someone's team, you may not see all of these options.

In addition to the list of products above, the dashboard includes features to Manage Teams: add or remove team members, assign roles, and manage permissions.

Plans & Payments

Review and update your plan or payment details here. If you are a student, teacher or admin in a team, you may not see this option.

JDoodle is free to use forever. If you need advanced IDE features, extra AI credits, premium Embedded IDEs or API credits, check out our pricing plans here.

Need Support?

If you can't find an answer to your question by searching these docs, post a question in the JDoodle support community.

If you need to ask about payments, issues with your account or anything else that needs to stay private, contact us.

JDoodle - JDoodle provides zero-setup cloud IDEs for 76 languages | Product Hunt